Upper East Dental Innovations

Where to Get Dental Implants Near Me

Where to Get Dental Implants Near Me: Expert Dental Implant Care at Upper East Dental Innovations

People can lose their teeth due to decay, aging, injuries, and other reasons. When you have missing teeth, the path to restoring your smile can be both exciting and overwhelming. Dental implants are popular worldwide to address missing teeth and restore your smile and confidence. 

The effectiveness of dental implants relies significantly on the dentist’s qualifications and expertise, as well as their understanding of each patient’s unique needs. However, finding the best dental implant dentist near your location, combining technology with expertise and compassionate care can be challenging. This comprehensive guide covers the types, benefits, procedures, important considerations, and the best place for obtaining effective and safe dental implants in Manhattan, NY.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a time-tested solution for replacing missing teeth. The implants are replacement teeth that mimic the design, size, and function of the natural tooth it replaces. A dental implant has three parts: a titanium post, abutment, and crown. 

First, the titanium post is surgically placed into the jawbone, which works as the root for the implanted tooth. Then, the abutment is placed on top, connecting the titanium post and the crown. The crown is the only visible aspect of the implant, and it’s custom-made to match the size and color of the natural teeth. 

The primary purpose of dental implants is to address missing teeth and restore functionality and aesthetics. Once installed, the dental implant supports normal chewing and helps maintain a beautiful smile. The high success rate of dental implants makes them a perfect choice for long-term tooth replacement. 

Types of Dental Implants

Different types of dental implants are used based on specific needs and oral conditions. Here is a brief breakdown of different types of dental implants.

  • Endosteal implants: These are the most conventional implants most people opt for. These implants are surgically installed into the jawbone with a titanium tooth root shaped like a screw or cylinder. Most people who have a healthy jawbone are eligible for these dental implants. 
  • Subperiosteal implant: This temporary dental implant treatment rests on the jawbone. The subperiosteal implant is less common than endosteal implants and is used only when there is insufficient healthy jawbone to install the post.
  • Zygomatic implants: These are the least common and most complex dental implants. Zygomatic implants are mostly installed in the patient’s cheekbone when there is not enough jawbone, and conventional implants are not suitable. 

When should you consider getting a dental implant?

Consider dental implants if you are missing one or more teeth and aim to restore them. Dental implants are made and installed in a way that looks exactly like natural teeth with the same functionality and aesthetics. 

Also, missing teeth can hamper facial structure and lead to bone loss. You can regain the facial structure and protect your jawbone from decaying. Dentures and bridges are often used as an alternative to dental implants. However, the comfort, fit, maintenance, and permanent nature make dental implants the top choice worldwide to address missing teeth.  

Procedure: How dental implants are installed

The dental implant process involves several steps and consultations across a few months. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of the entire implant process.

  • Step 1: First, you need to consult a professional dentist to evaluate your oral health, conditions, and goals for the implant. The dentist may use X-rays 3D imaging to check the bone density and determine your eligibility for dental implant surgeries. 
  • Step 2: If the implant replaces a damaged tooth, the dentist may remove it before installing the implant. If your jawbone isn’t thick enough, bone grafting might be necessary. It’s a surgical procedure to add volume and density to your jawbone.
  • Step 3: Once the jawbone is prepared for the procedure, the post/ root will be surgically placed into your jawbone. Then, the post is left to heal and integrate with the jawbone.
  • Step 4: After the dentist decides the post is fully integrated with the jawbone, the crown is placed on top of the post with an abutment. 

Advantages of getting a dental implant

There are many advantages to dental implants. Though the main goal is to replace a missing tooth, other benefits come with it, including:

  • A dental implant works as a tooth replacement and can significantly improve your appearance with natural functionality, look, and feel.
  • Changes to missing teeth expose the jawbone, and it keeps disintegrating. Dental implants can prevent jawbone loss and improve oral health.
  • Dental implants are known for their durability and reliability. Unlike dentures or dental bridges, implants don’t need adjacent teeth and can last a lifetime with proper care. 
  • Missing teeth can affect your ability to speak clearly. Dental implants can solve that issue and return your natural speaking ability. 
  • Dental implants function just like natural teeth, allowing you to eat freely without any problems. 
  • Implants are low-maintenance compared to alternatives like bridges and dentures. They also promote oral health and need the same maintenance as natural teeth.

What to consider before getting a dental implant

Several factors should be considered before getting a dental implant to ensure its appropriateness and success.

  • A thorough evaluation of your oral health is crucial before a dental implant. This evaluation includes examining adjacent teeth, gums and remains of any damaged teeth.  
  • Jawbone density is paramount for the success of dental implants as the post of the implant is installed in it. If the density is not enough, you might need bone grafting. 
  • General health is also important before dental implants, as it’s directly connected to healing and recovery. If you have chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease, further assessment might be necessary.
  • You might need to commit to a fixed time frame for dental implants. The procedure takes months, including consultation, surgery, and recovery. So, consider whether you can commit to that timeframe.  

Upper East Dental Innovations: Transform your smile with an advanced dental implant treatment

Upper East Dental Innovations stands out as one of NYC’s premier dental clinics, known for its combination of expertise and advanced technology. If you live in New York and are searching for dental implants near me, this clinic emerges as a premier destination for people looking to regain their smile. 

The dental experts at Upper East Dental Innovations will carefully assess your oral conditions, medical history, and treatment goals and suggest the best dental implant options for you. If you have further questions regarding dental implants in NYC, feel free to call us at 212.697.1701 and schedule a consultation. We would be happy to answer all your questions regarding dental implants. 

Final Thoughts

Dental implants provide a transformative experience, improving oral health and restoring the lost functionality and aesthetics of natural teeth.  We hope Upper East Dental Innovations concludes your search for where to get dental implants near me. 

Located in NYC, our clinic offers flexible scheduling, compassionate care, and experienced dentists to address your dental needs. Once you receive dental implants at our clinic, our dentists will work closely with you to develop the best aftercare plan. 

Disclaimer: Dental implant procedures are medical procedures that should be discussed with a qualified dental professional for personalized advice and treatment plans based on an individual’s health needs and medical history. The information provided in this article regarding dental implants is intended for educational purposes only. Always seek the guidance of your dentist with any questions you may have regarding dental implants.

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